Alex Aili, Author


I'm a story-dweller who tends to wander off the beaten trail in search of the right word...and the better view. I'm fascinated by words and I grow restless if I'm cooped up indoors, but it's ultimately the power of the Gospel that drives what I create. My imagination whisks me to places that I often forget aren't real, and so I write. When I see Christ's love for the fallen, I write with a reverent purpose.And yet I'm not just a creative. To put a spin on Paul's words, I "think without ceasing." Specifically, I think about how Christian theology speaks to the issues we all share, hence my contribution to A Clear Lens. Befitting the site's goal, I do my part to clear the fog surrounding the Christian tradition.

But creativity is my first love. So following in the footsteps of Jesus, John Bunyan, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, George Macdonald, Charles Williams, G.K. Chesterton, Madeleine L'Engle, Flannery O'Conner, and most notably J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, I seek to marry theology and creativity in the art of storytelling.

In addition to writing at A Clear Lens, I write at Covert God: Targeting Redemptive Creativity. I'm a novelist-in-progress who lives in northern MN with my wife and two sons. I enjoy coffee, good pipe tobacco and longs walks in the woods. See what I'm up to on Twitter and Instagram.

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A Biblical Defense of Exclusive Salvation


The Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 2