Bible Blueprint: Beatitudes


Or Christ's Code of Conduct:

The BLESSED are those who (Matt 5:3-11):

  • Are poor in spirit

  • Mourn

  • Are gentle

  • Hunger and thirst for righteousness

  • Merciful

  • Pure in heart

  • Peacemakers

  • Have been insulted and persecuted for Jesus and righteousness’ sake

The FOLLOWERS of Jesus are (Matt 5:13-19; 6:19; 22-24):

  • The salt of the earth

  • The light of the world

  • Never to hoard valuables for this life (see WEALTH)

  • To control what they see or watch

In RELATIONSHIPS with folks (Matt 5:21-44; 7:12):

  • Do not get/stay angry

  • Be reconciled with them

  • Do not lust after them

  • Do not get divorced (except for cases of adultery)

  • Do not make oaths or swear by God, Heaven, or the earth (for that is evil because you have no authority to do so)

  • If someone asks you if you can do something, just say Yes or No

  • Do not return insult for insult

  • Give your belongings and/or time to those who ask for them

  • Love your enemies

  • Pray for those who persecute you

  • Treat people the same way you want to be treated

When you are TEMPTED (Matt 5:29):

  • Remove and/or get away from any triggers that would cause you to stumble

When you GIVE (Matt 6:1-4):

  • Don’t be a spiritual show off

  • Give in such a manner that no one knows that you’ve done it

When you PRAY (Matt 6:5-13; 33):

  • Do it in secret

  • Do not use meaningless repetition (Lord, Father, Father-God, God, etc.)

  • Be sure to:

    • Praise/worship God

    • Welcome His will

    • Ask for your needs

    • Ask for forgiveness

    • Ask to be spared from temptation and delivered from evil

  • Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and the things you need will be given to you

When you FAST (Matt 6:16-18):

  • Do it secretly so no one knows you’re doing it

With regard to WEALTH (Matt 6:19-21):

  • Don’t accumulate it

    • Accumulate heavenly wealth instead

  • You cannot serve God and wealth

With regard to DISCERNMENT (Matt 6:22-23; 7:6, 13-20):

  • Have a clear or “single” vision when it comes to God; see only Him in all things

  • Do not correct or give wisdom to a fool for those folks will trample wisdom and try to harm you in the end

  • The way to life is through a narrow gate; identify and walk through it

    • Identify and avoid the broad gate that leads to destruction

  • You will know false prophets by their conduct

With regard to WORRY (Matthew 6:25-34):

  • Don’t worry for that shows a lack of faith; God is in control

Don’t be a HYPOCRITE (Matthew 7:1-5):

  • Don’t judge someone when you are guilty of the same (or similar) thing

    • Correct your sin and then you can judge (in love)

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Nate Sala

Nate Sala is a teacher, pastor, speaker, and president of Wise Disciple.

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