CE 5: You're Only Christian Because You Were Born in the West


"We all have our personal ways of understanding god. I hope you realize that the only reason you believe in Jesus is because you were born and brought up in a time and geographical location of the world that allows that. Had you have been born in the middle east you would believe in the Koran, if you were born in the Viking days you would believe in Thor. Had you been born in Greece many days ago, Zeus would have been the man, and If you ahead been brought up in India you would be a Hindu, and if you were raised in Africa you would believe in the great juju up the mountain! Now, of all those theologies, you say only one can be right correct? Well what if the Africans were right about the great juju? Hahahaha. My point is quite simple, believing in any source of love or good that benefits all fellows is real Truth."


The first issue you raised was: the only reason I am Christian is because I was born and brought up in a geographical location of the world that allows that. That’s not the only reason I’m a Christian. It’s not like I became a Christian because I looked around and it was the cool thing to do in America. I’m sure what you meant to say was the only reason I made the decision to become Christian was because I was exposed to its message in my particular culture. But you’re appealing to a genetic fallacy. I think you might be right about my exposure in this culture leading me to make the decision I made. So what? Whether or not anyone is born anywhere says nothing about whether or not the particular views are true or false.

If you were also born in the West then you and I have had the privilege of being born in a particular culture that embraced science (thanks to Christianity) several centuries ago. That means you and I probably accept the theory of relativity (at least, I’m assuming you do). Someone on the other side of the world might never even have heard of Einstein or be aware of the theory of relativity.  Does that make relativity true or false? It makes it neither true nor false. Relativity is true whether people believe it or not. So the point you are trying to raise is totally irrelevant to the greater issue.

You also said, “My point is quite simple, believing in any source of love or good that benefits all fellows is real Truth.” That statement is odd. How does your point logically follow from talking about my place of birth as evidence for my belief? What does that have to do with anything that you’ve said previously? When questioned I could give you specific reasons for why I believe what I believe. But what are your reasons for believing what you believe? The statement you made is just an assertion with absolutely no proof to back it up. But assertions are not reasons, therefore, if you don’t have any good reasons for believing what you believe, you shouldn’t bother believing it.

The correct question to ask me, instead of appealing to the genetic fallacy, is: What good reason do you have to believe in Jesus? That is where this conversation should have begun.


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Nate Sala

Nate Sala is a teacher, pastor, speaker, and president of Wise Disciple.


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