Ep. 161: The Best Secular Movies that Reflect the Christian Worldview


On this episode:

  • Nate talks about how, in spite of itself, "The Matrix" can be used to explain the Christian worldview (:29)

  • Nate welcomes Gene and Logan (10:57)

  • Nate announces the winner of last week's giveaway (14:45)

  • Worldview Analysis: Dave Chappelle Special (17:23)

  • Topic: The Best Secular Movies that Reflect the Christian Worldview (32:53)

*To win a free copy of EITHER Stealing from God by Frank Turek, Evidence that Demands a Verdict (Updated Edition) by Josh and Sean McDowell, or Cultural Apologetics by Paul Gould go to our Facebook Page and write a recommendation for our ministry. Tell us about ho we've helped you and you'll automatically enter to win! We'll announce the winner on our next episode, so stay tuned!

Join Nate on our Facebook page this Friday at 3 p.m. PST for another "Ask Nate Anything" episode. Send your questions to www.clearlens.org/ask.

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To download this episode, right-click here.

“Day by Day” by Citizens is used with permission. Check out their website: wearecitizens.net

Nate Sala

Nate Sala is a teacher, pastor, speaker, and president of Wise Disciple.


Ep. 162: Should Christians Pledge Allegiance to the Flag?


Ask Nate Anything | August 30th, 2019