Recognizing When You're Wrong
Apologetics Guest Author Apologetics Guest Author

Recognizing When You're Wrong

Admitting when you're wrong is never easy, whether it is a simple case of a mistake about the facts or an entire perspective shift. However, it is a crucial part of honest communication for the believer and truth-seeker. Here's the first step in handling the process in a careful and mature way: recognizing when you're wrong.

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Don't Assume Non-Christians are Atheists
Engage Logan Judy Engage Logan Judy

Don't Assume Non-Christians are Atheists

In apologetics, we often focus a great deal of our energy into combating atheism. But for those of us in the United States, the stats say we might be misreading the field. Here's how we can kick our assumptions to the curb and have more engaging conversations with the unique people we meet.

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