The Supreme Court Ruling: Now, More than Ever, Is the Time...


As I was reflecting today on the Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage, I received correspondence from Greg Koukl’s organization: Stand to Reason (STR). Melinda Penner, the Executive Director, penned a quick and helpful note that I want to share with you all. Please continue to pray, as I do, that God grant us wisdom, boldness, and courage; for, as Penner rightly points out, God has put us here in this time for a purpose.

No doubt you’ve heard the ruling. I’ve been praying and thinking about how we as Christians and STR people move forward. We’ve got good arguments and the issues may change over time that need to be responded to, but for the people we are to be as Christians doesn’t change.

God isn’t surprised by this ruling, and by His sovereign will He’s allowed this to happen. And He’s put us here in this time for a purpose.

I’ve been thinking about the Christians in the first few centuries who were at odds with the culture, ostracized, and often persecuted as a result. They lived out the Gospel and distinguished themselves and therefore their message because of it. I’ve specifically been thinking of how they saved baby girls who were abandoned because they were not wanted or valued, and disposed of to die of exposure. And how Christians cared for the sick during plagues that hit the cities when they were left for dead.

They carried on and lived in a way that honored God showing love to all people, standing firm. Even though they were despised by the culture, they carried on doing what was right before God and loving those who persecuted them.

Now, more than ever, is the time to be conscientious of wisdom and character in KWC (Knowledge, Wisdom, and Character in the Ambassador Model). Offering all of our reasons and arguments with gentleness and reverence.

It’s tempting to get angry at this decision that goes against God, nature, and our Constitution, but that won’t help. It’s tempting to despair, but that won’t help either. God has a purpose for us now in this time and we’ll faithfully continue to honor God and live out KWC in our own lives, as a team, and teaching other Christians.

We’ll answer sin and anger with patience and kindness. We’ll love the people who make us their enemies just as Jesus did. And God will give us the wisdom and grace we need to do this. As Alan Shlemon consistently reminds us, let’s answer with truth and compassion. In the end, it’s right back to the Gospel—there are lost sinners who need to be reconciled to God, just as we once were.

Our times are in God’s hands (Psalm 31:15). Our job is to be faithful and trust Him in all circumstances.

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Nate Sala

Nate Sala is a teacher, pastor, speaker, and president of Wise Disciple.

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Elderly Wisdom: Part One