Thought Snack: The Beginning of Space and Time


“Space and time had a beginning. While some theorists continue to propose models without a space-time beginning, these models invoke conditions that would not allow physical life to exist. For example, such models negate the second law of thermodynamics (which states there are preferred directions for physical processes, for example, from order to disorder and heat flows from hot sources to cold sources).

Theoretical physicists Arvind Borde, Alan Guthe, and Alexander Vilenkin over a span of ten years published five more extensions of the space-time theorems. These extensions established that all cosmological models, regardless of assumptions about homogeneity, isotropy or lack thereof, or energy conditions, must be subject to the relentless grip of an initial space-time singularity. Any reasonable cosmic model—that is, any model where the past obeys an averaged expansion condition (a necessary requirement for life to be possible)—must be traceable back within a finite time to an actual beginning of space and time.Given that space and time came into existence at the cosmic creation event, we can know something about where the universe came from. It must have arisen from a ‘realm’ or ‘entity’ beyond space and time.”

– Excerpt from Why the Universe Is the Way It Is by Dr. Hugh Ross of Reasons to Believe


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Nate Sala

Nate Sala is a teacher, pastor, speaker, and president of Wise Disciple.

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