Thought Snack: Vedanta and Illusion

Mysticism - Sacred and Profane

Mysticism - Sacred and Profane

"It does much credit to the heart of the ultra-monist Vedantins that they have always been ready to help others towards liberation; it does very little credit to their head, for what logic can there possibly be in seeking to free from illusion a person who, from the point of the would-be liberator, is, by definition, illusory? Moreover it is contrary to the quite logical advice of the Gaudapada that one 'should behave in the world like an insensible object.'" 

-- Excerpt from Mysticism Sacred and Profane by R.C. Zaehner

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Nate Sala

Nate Sala is a teacher, pastor, speaker, and president of Wise Disciple.

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